Receiving prenatal massage therapy during pregnancy can help relieve aches and pains caused by extra weight, changing structural alignment and hormones.
In addition massage for pregnant women encourages blood and lymph circulation, relieves depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes. Improves Circulation, Swelling and Posture Prenatal massage improves circulation and helps to decrease swelling and varicose veins.
Regular massage improves posture, muscle tone and flexibility, training your body for labor. Studies have shown that regular massage in pregnancy contributes to a shorter, less painful labor and can reduce labor complications.
Benefits of pregnancy massage: Relief from muscle crumps, spasms and myofascial pain, especially in the lower back, neck, hips, and legs Increase in blood and lymph circulation, which can reduce swelling Reduces stress on weight-bearing joints Increases blood circulation to take more oxygen to your cells and to your baby